• about-us
  • About Us

    Establishment of the Sri Lanka Cashew Corporation

    Sri Lanka Cashew Corporation (SLCC) was established under the extra ordinary Gazette notification no. 60/7 of 25th May 1973, under the State Agricultural Corporation Act No. 11 of 1972. Since the establishment of the SLCC as a public enterprise, it provides services to the cashew industry while running commercial activities as well.

    Our Vision

    To become the leading and the best quality cashew producer and the exporter in the world.

    Our Mission

    To develop the cashew industry towards a long term commercial viability by providing professional guidance to farmers and to develop cashew cultivation, processing technology, value addition, research and market promotion.


    Objectives of the Sri Lanka Cashew Corporation
    • To undertake activities pertaining to the cultivation processing and marketing of cashew and cashew products.
    • To undertake investigations and research with the object of improving the cultivation, processing and marketing of cashew and cashew products.
    • To undertake and collaborate in the collection, preparation, publication and dissemination of technical, marketing and other information pertaining to the cultivation, processing and marketing of cashew and cashew products.
    • To establish and assist in the establishment of infrastructure necessary for the purpose of development of cashew plantations, processing facilities and marketing.
    • To take such steps as may be considered necessary to advertise and sell cashew products, to promote the demand for such products in the markets of the world and to initiate and sponsor the financing, supervision and supporting of propaganda work for such purpose or for other purpose connected therewith or incidental thereto.

    Our Team

    Hon. K.V. Samantha Vidyarathna

    Hon. K.V. Samantha Vidyarathna

    Minister of Plantation and Community Infrastructure.
    Hon. Sundaralingam Pradeep

    Hon. Sundaralingam Pradeep

    State Minister of Plantation and Community Infrstructure.
    Mr. A.P. Sumanasiri

    Mr. A.P. Sumanasiri

    Chairman - Sri Lanka Cashew Corporation


    Deputy Chairman

    Board Directors

    Mr. C.C. Godahewa

    Mr. C.C. Godahewa

    Board Director

    Mobile :

    Mr. R.P.D. Vijitha Ranaweera

    Mr. R.P.D. Vijitha Ranaweera

    Board Director

    Mobile :

    Mr. J.A. Lalith G Jayasinghe

    Mr. J.A. Lalith G Jayasinghe

    Board Director

    Mobile :

    Mr. K.W.M. Kulathunga

    Mr. K.W.M. Kulathunga

    Board Director

    Mobile :

    Mrs. A.P.D.D. Chandurangi

    Mrs. A.P.D.D. Chandurangi

    Board Director

    Mobile :

    Mrs. R.A.R.S. Mayadunna

    Mrs. R.A.R.S. Mayadunna

    Board Director

    Mobile :

    General Managers

    Mrs. K.G.P.P. Abeygunawardana

    Mrs. K.G.P.P. Abeygunawardana

    General Manager

    Tel : 0094-011-2876134
    Mob :
    Email :
    Fax : 0094-011-2869843



    Deputy General Manager

    Tel : 0094-011-2884905
    Mob :
    Email : ..
    Fax : 0094-011-2869843

    Asst. General Managers

    Mr. M.T.S.K. Pieris

    Mr. M.T.S.K. Pieris

    AGM Finance

    Telephone : 0094-011-2884900
    Mobile : 0094-070-2443924

    Mr. P.M.A.P.K. Wijetunga

    Mr. P.M.A.P.K. Wijetunga

    AGM Plantation

    Telephone : 0094-011-2884903
    Mobile : 0094-071-4751585

    AGM Policy & Planning

    AGM Policy & Planning

    Policy & Planning (Act.)

    Telephone : 0094-011-2884902
    Mobile : 0094-077-8353622

    Mr. M.T.S.K. Pieris

    Mr. M.T.S.K. Pieris

    AGM Marketing

    Telephone : 0094-011-2886855
    Mobile : 0094-071-8048205

    Mr. M.D.T.W. Parthana

    Mr. M.D.T.W. Parthana

    AGM Extension

    Telephone : 0094-011-2884904
    Mobile : 0094-071-8015432

    Mr. V.U. Liyanage

    Mr. V.U. Liyanage

    AGM Audit

    Telephone : 0094-011-2884901
    Mobile : 0094-076-8173255